Welcome to Reelo EOR
It’s not rocket science. Get your early access
Turn your HR into a global powerhouse worldwide
Your business is expanding, and so are the opportunities. Partner with us for a world of benefits and ensure your global team thrives
Onboarding and payroll setup
Experience transformative salary tools, real-time data collection, and seamless e-contracts—all in one powerful hub
Support 24/7
Our managers are always ready to answer your questions. You can call us at the weekends and at night
Master local compliance
Our in-country labor law experts ensure your international hiring and payments are both compliant and effortless
Multiple countries - one invoice
Your entire remote team, spanning countries and legal intricacies, all captured in one streamlined invoice
Powerful reporting
Unlock unrivalled insights into spending and performance with compensation, taxes, etc
Global Infrastructure
Reelo owns local legal entities in all our covered countries to offer you the best service and protection in the industry
How it works?
  • Book a call or fill the form
Book a call with our global workforce consultants. We’ll set you up with a free account ready to suit your team’s needs.

  • Get your HR suit
Setup your HR back office worldwide

  • Get your dedicated onboarding
From navigating local laws to support for your team members, our dedicated team will help you get set up seamlessly
Hire and pay your global team worldwide
Employer of Record
  • Satisfaction guaranteed
  • No deposits or hidden fees
  • Onboarding
  • Compliant equity incentives support including withholding and reporting
  • Built-in security and compliance
  • Fast onboarding (average 2-3 days)
  • Flexible, localized benefits
starting at $350 / person
Schedule a demo
Contractor Management
  • Only pay for contractors you actively work with
  • Work with contractors worldwide
  • Create, edit, and sign tailored, localized contracts
  • Approve contractor invoices with one click or auto-pay
  • Transparent payments with complete visibility
$28 / person / mo
Schedule a demo
  • Reduce costs by centralizing payroll management
  • Ensure local compliance for every country
  • Direct support from in-house local payroll experts
  • Accurate, on-time, compliant payroll to level-up your employee experience
  • Tax and labor authority reporting handled for you
$45 / person / mo
Schedule a demo