welcome to Reelo
Your C-Corp or LLC in USA
Get your company in USA in one click
How It Works
Contact us
1 day
You can schedule a demo or fill the form using buttons on this page
Working Space
1 day
We create your individual area and connect our lawyer(s) based on type of legal entity and your tasks
We register your company
3-4 working days
We will provide all required set of documents and your company address for 1 year
7-10 days
We receive your EIN. It is needed to for the future filing your taxes, open a bank account and open account in Stripe
Bank account
7 days
We open up a bank account in neobanks like Mercury and Brex. In some cases we can open up account in classical bank in USA: Chase, BoA
All set
1 day
You can start operations
Business types at a glance
Sole prop
Limited liability protection
This ensures you or other partners aren't personally on the hook for company debts and liabilities
Flexible management structure
Corporations require a board of directors, annual meetings, record keeping, and more. LLCs and sole proprietorships have rules too—but they're less strict
State compliance requirements
After you form, there are annual requirements to keep your business in good standing
LLCs and corporations have multiple tax options
Flexibility to raise capital
Get access to funds from banks, venture capital firms, and foundations
Tax exempt
Nonprofits with 501(c)(3) status are exempt from federal income taxes.
Only with 501(c)(3) status
Flexibility to raise capital
Get access to funds from banks, venture capital firms, and foundations
Able to IPO
Only corporations can sell shares on the stock market
C corp only
Get your company in USA
For only $1,500. No hidden fees!

All states.

It's simple to get started:

  1. Choose your business type
  2. Answer a few questions
  3. We'll complete and file your paperwork