
Digital Nomad Visa

Digital Nomad Visa 

A 3-year residence permit that can be applied directly from Spain as a tourist or from your country of origin or from Spain. 

You can benefit from this visa and its huge tax advantages as long as:

  • You work for a company that allows you to work remotely from Spain (as an employee)
  • You are freelancers with clients abroad
  • You earn your income from different online sources outside Spain


✅ Prove that of the total income (monthly EUR 2,520), the part coming from Spain does not represent more than 20%.
Family income: + 0.75 SMI for spouse, + 0.25 for family members. In total per month = EUR 3,500 per family (3 members) ****
✅ You must have a continuous employment relationship of at least three months with the company for which you are working remotely. This company must also certify that this worker is allowed to work online
✅ This company or companies with which the digital nomad has a relationship must have been operating in the market for at least 1 year
✅ You must have graduated from a prestigious university or business school, or demonstrate a previous working experience of at least 3 years
✅ Purchase a private health insurance with full coverage

Tax advantages:

  • Pay a flat fee of 24% on your work-related income (up to €600.000), instead of a progressive rate up to 48%
  • Be considered a non-resident for tax purposesfor 5 years and avoid paying wealth tax
  • Avoid the need to complete and submit the asset declaration model 720
  • Benefit from this special regimen in case you have not been living in Spain for the past 5 years (instead of the 10 that the general rule for the Beckham Law establishes)
  • Start this tax application during the 6 months after you obtain your digital nomad visa