
Company Registration and Work Permit

Being an analogue of LLC, LDA is the most popular business organization form. CJSC is an analogue of JSC and used for opening large businesses

Requirements to setup a company (LDA):

✅ Having no less than 1 director
✅ Having no less than 2 participants
✅ Having 1 director

⭐️ Participants become owners of shares and have financial liabilities proportionate to the number of shares owned by them. There are no requirements for the share capital; however, the cost of each share must be at least 1 EUR. Only registered shares can be issued SA Company. 

👉This form is primarily used by large enterprises and includes the following requirements:
✅ Having no less than 5 participants
✅ Having a share capital of no less than 50,000 EUR (depending on the type of business)
✅ Paying 30% of the share capital at the time of registration, with the remainder being paid over time (but not later than in 5 years)
✅ Company must be managed by a Board of Directors
✅ Company can only issue registered, ordinary, privileged and bearer shares
✅ Company’s charter must be approved by the Registrar of companies

Documents required to register a company:

✅ Providing a description of a company’s activities
✅ Providing a company’s name
✅ Having a charter
✅ Having a share capital and shareholders
✅ Shareholders must provide: a passport, confirmation of the residence address (e.g. a utility bill) & tax ID; if shareholders are individuals, they must specify their marital status; if they are married, they must provide a copy of their spouse's passport

🤑 Taxation: VAT - 23% | dividends tax - 20% | royalties tax - 15%

🏦 Corporate Bank Account - 4 weeks 

🤝 Residency - Working Visa - 1-2 months

Requirements and documents:

✅ Working Contract (average salary=1,361 Euro)
✅ Application 
✅ Passport & 2 photos 
✅ Health Insurance 
✅ SEF application 
✅ Zero crime record
✅ Rent Contract 
✅ Proof of funds: 
👉 1st adult: 100% - 705 EUR
👉 Other adults 50% - 352,50 EUR
👉 Children (son, daughter, etc) 30% - 211,5 EUR